Thursday, June 9, 2011


If you have Mr. Mamerow make sure you get on his good side. If you do you well have more fun in his class. Mr. Felser is one of the better teachers in the school. He is fun to have and well joke around only about once a day which is fun. Try to make more friends than you already have. Be nicer to everyone even if you don't like them or they seem like a jerk.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I have learned that I need to work on pulling ideas from what I read. When I read a book I just think about the book and nothing else like where are the characters and how has this affected them. I need to work on writing about a book. I do better writing creative pieces because they help tell who I am to the people that don't know me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Uncle's House

On Friday I left to go to my uncle's house. The trip was a bit boring on the way up. A four to five hour drive can be sometimes. When we got there the house seemed full from three kids running around. The house wasn't of course because the basement was completely empty. The rest of Friday was a bad day because it rained non stop until Saturday night. Back to Saturday morning it was insane the three kids and their parents went to my aunts brothers house.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How will I go down in history?

I think that I well go down in history as just a normal person. I think tht nobody well really remember me for stuff I do. I'm a person that people well sometimes forget about easily. i have a bit of power on how people think about me but not much. I can little things that get attention for a couple of seconds and then nobody cares.

Civil war review

There are a lot of cause that started the civil ear one of them is slavery. The north and the president didn't want slavery but the south did. The south decided we well leave the U. S. and form their own country.
One battle from the civil war was the Battle of Gettysburg. That battle was not planned and the two armies just ended up meeting each other there. It was a surprise to both sides and the north won which was a great victory in the war.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Civil War Essay

Thinking about the process I used I think that I used my time wisely. I got most of everything done and completed that I needed. I think that writing the story was the easiest part of the process. It was probably just me because I'm good at coming up with stuff right away. I think that finding the research was the hardest thing to do. I think that I could have made it better by using a better variety of words instead of repeating some of the same ones.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Main Character: General Lee
Today I'll be interviewing General Lee about his great battle that was unknown until now.
Question 1: So General what did this experience teach you as a general?

Answer: This experience had taught me to be more aware about my surroundings. There were a lot of things for my men to hid in and ambush the army that was attacking me. Instead I had them set up a perimeter that would eventually fail to work.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Free writing

There once lived a magical person who could move mountains and palaces. He lived a very gentle life becasue he moved the armies that wanted to fight away from each other.One day the two magesties finally gave in and decided to go and attack this magical wizard. This wizard saw the meetign and knew that he had to make his defences know or he would be in trouble.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Random Something

There once was a peddler that lived in Rome. He made an average of 3 dollars a week. Somehow he kept his family of five alive and well fed. Many people asked him how he did this. He always replied the same way "I always make less money but my family still needs to eat." He did keep his family eating and others wondered how so they decided to go live with him for a week. They arrived there on Friday and learned about his secrets and they promised not to tell anyone about them.The secret of his family kept until someone brutally murdered all of them.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Civil War Essay

Person 1- Hi everybody I'm a Unionist.
Person 2- Really you are?
Person 3- Then we well have to kill you.
Person 1- No I'm joking I'm a spy.
Person 3- Then we well have to kill you.
Person 2- No we won't.
Person 3- Yes we well.
Person 1- Whatever I'm going to go spy now.
Person 2- Okay then have a good time.
Person 3- Don't get caught or they'll skin you alive.
Person 4- Who are you?
Person 1- I'm a new recruit sir.
Person 4- Okay then but we usually don't let blacks join.
Person 1- Who said I was black.
Person 4- Well you should be a slave not a soldier.
General Lee- What is this slave doing here with a gun.
Person 4- He says that he is a new recruit.
Person 1- I am a new recruit trained at the spying academy of the North.
General Jackson- Okay that's great we need a spy.
Person 4- But sir he just said that he was a spy for the Unionist.
Person 1- No I didn't that would be breaking the first rule.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Civil War Suprises

i was surprised when i read this article that there were a lot of little kids fighting in the war.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

stream of consciousness

I'm General Robert E. Lee and why am I shooting at these people? I should be in the back hiding. Having my men take a flank to the right was a mistake and now I might die. I now must fight for my life or die trying. Running isn't an option. I well have to get up now and shot back or I well die. They are getting to close. BANG. I got one done now they are going to be looking for me. I know I'll run into the building across from me and take them out one at a time. Dang it I tripped got to get up and keep running. Oh no they saw me. Run, get out leave! Those were my first thoughts but it was to late they had me surrounded. I surrendered.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Civil War Book

After scanning through my book I think that the book is about some of the civil war generals. It talks about a couple of the battle that the generals were in and commanded in the past. All of the generals were part of the Confederacy and it shows some of the pictures/painting of the battles. My plan to write a historical fiction would be to take one of the generals and put them in a battle. They wouldn't be on a horse anymore. They would be on the ground and have to shoot at the people.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What motivates people to act

One day Helochopter went out to search for food. He was gone for hours but when he got back there were kids crying and a big man with a cigar in his mouth laughing. The one thing that came to mind was that he hurt them badly and I started to ask what was happening to them. Apparently all of the people that lived here weren't aloud to anymore because, there was oil under the houses. This person was just doing this for money and I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. He already had torn down a couple of the old house that he built from scraps from the junkyard. The next thing I now all of us people were being herded out of town and onto trucks to be relocated. That man was cruel to take away someone's home for money and wealth and acted like it was nothing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Are there times when fighting is right

Yes, there are times when fighting is right. When you fight for your independence. Fighting for freedom is another thing that is okay to fight about. There are many things that are good to fight for like fighting to protect someone and for someone. You can fight with your fist and with nonviolent actions. The nonviolent protest and rallies are good at getting people to help because then the government should respond back in a nonviolent way.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Free will

I think that kids and some adults don't have free will. The kids are always bossed around by their parents and sometimes can't even do anything. The kid lets their parents boss them around and don't do anything at all. Well with some adults if they have a boss that is a control freak then they have the same problem. Most adults always worry about their kids but they don't know that they can't do that forever and have to stop soon.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My School

If I could make three changes of our school. I would make it so that there is a maximum of four question for homework. Secondly teachers can't give quizzes to students unless it is Friday. Finally I would change that kids can go to any class for resource. These changes would make the school more fun I think.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The movies

This articles title says that it is going to be about the movie "Rango" but the beginning is not. The article starts of saying something about something that I didn't understand. Then it lists a bunch of other movies that remind him of "Rango". Then he states how most kids remember the characters in animation films but not the people who are making the voices. After all of that typing that person gets to the movie.
He said that the movie is "thoroughly saturated in references to well-known, non-beast-centered stories." That makes sense from the little I have seen of the movie. The main character is a funny looking little lizard. He takes down the bad guys and the movie isn't about the evil. Its well known because it gets rid of evil and doesn't promote it like most movies now a days.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


When you here the word climbing you think about many things. Like climbing a tree, a hill, or possibly a mountain. Climbing things can be fun as most young children may now. Once these children grow up they might still like to climb trees and go higher and higher in the tree. I climb trees still and almost make it to the top every time. I just can't get up on the more thin and breakable branches. Kids like me well probably upgrade from trees to bigger things like mountains and rock walls. This is one thing that can be fun and probably safer than climbing a tree. If you go rock climbing then make sure that you have a harness and the right gear so you don't get seriously injured.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Humans Equal

No human beings can't be equal because there well always be one thing that isn't equal about them. Maybe it is their height or weight. It could be that their teeth look really good. If the everybody on the world was the same it would be boring. Nobody would like that they look the same and try to look different. The world would be full of nothing but one thing that people would eventually despise.

Friday, March 18, 2011

One Superpower

If I could have one super power it would be that I could read minds. That way I could figure out things about everyone. I would tell other people some of the thoughts that people had if they were funny. If people found out about this they would just stay away from me. So I would have to keep my power very secret. Nobody would ever learn of my power except for me.