Friday, February 12, 2010

Little Moon

Think of your daughter or son and that they are about to die and if you got them one thing they would live. If that thing was the moon, what would you do? Would you want them to live and get them the moon? Well, that is what happened in “Many Moons” by James Thurber. There was a king and his daughter fell ill, and for her to get better she needed the moon. The king called all of his wisest men. The Royal Wizard, The Royal Mathematician and the High Chamberlain but none of them could find a solution! However, the Court Jester, who normally is the court fool, was the wisest of all! The Court Jester helped the most out of everyone that tried by asking clever questions of Princess Lenore. “ Many Moons” teaches us that people shouldn’t be categorized but that we should hope for the best in everyone, giving people a chance, just as the King gave the Court Jester the opportunity to save Princess Lenore.
To begin with, the princess is a very smart and she basically got herself the moon by telling the Court Jester how to get it. Princess Lenore told him that the moon was as small as her “thumbnail” and made of gold. So the Court Jester went to the goldsmith and had him create a golden pendant on a beautiful necklace. He gave it to the princess and she was well again. The gold necklace with the moon pendant symbolizes how the King loves Princess Lenore.
Nevertheless, one question remains, the king and his royal assistants are worried what will happen when she sees the real moon up in the sky? However, the princess knew the answer to that. She said that it is just like a tooth; it grows back. The moon is a significant symbol in the book. The moon symbolizes life and love because it is big and beautiful and the King was determined to get it to save his daughter.
Some of the other symbols are the lute and raspberry tarts. The lute symbolizes sadness because the court Jester played when the king was sad. But that was the time the Court Jester had all of his ideas. The raspberry tarts were another symbol and they represented sickness, because the princess got sick after eating them.
The king tried to help as much as he could. You can tell that the king only has Princess Lenore. The king and Court Jester are just alike because they both care about the princess. The only thing that is different is that the King has a family. The Court Jester only has his lute. The Court Jester probably has a family. But they might live a long ways away. The King and Court Jester are the only people that figured out how to save the princess.
You never now a person’s true potential until you actually see them do it. You could think that they are bad at sports but then you see them and they are good at sports. Never judge someone just because they are small, slow, or really tall. You should never judge one thing over something you think is better. Then you realize that you made the wrong decision. So never judge one thing over another. Just like the King had to learn to be grateful for the Court’s Fool for saving the princess.

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