Thursday, June 9, 2011


If you have Mr. Mamerow make sure you get on his good side. If you do you well have more fun in his class. Mr. Felser is one of the better teachers in the school. He is fun to have and well joke around only about once a day which is fun. Try to make more friends than you already have. Be nicer to everyone even if you don't like them or they seem like a jerk.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I have learned that I need to work on pulling ideas from what I read. When I read a book I just think about the book and nothing else like where are the characters and how has this affected them. I need to work on writing about a book. I do better writing creative pieces because they help tell who I am to the people that don't know me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Uncle's House

On Friday I left to go to my uncle's house. The trip was a bit boring on the way up. A four to five hour drive can be sometimes. When we got there the house seemed full from three kids running around. The house wasn't of course because the basement was completely empty. The rest of Friday was a bad day because it rained non stop until Saturday night. Back to Saturday morning it was insane the three kids and their parents went to my aunts brothers house.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How will I go down in history?

I think that I well go down in history as just a normal person. I think tht nobody well really remember me for stuff I do. I'm a person that people well sometimes forget about easily. i have a bit of power on how people think about me but not much. I can little things that get attention for a couple of seconds and then nobody cares.

Civil war review

There are a lot of cause that started the civil ear one of them is slavery. The north and the president didn't want slavery but the south did. The south decided we well leave the U. S. and form their own country.
One battle from the civil war was the Battle of Gettysburg. That battle was not planned and the two armies just ended up meeting each other there. It was a surprise to both sides and the north won which was a great victory in the war.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Civil War Essay

Thinking about the process I used I think that I used my time wisely. I got most of everything done and completed that I needed. I think that writing the story was the easiest part of the process. It was probably just me because I'm good at coming up with stuff right away. I think that finding the research was the hardest thing to do. I think that I could have made it better by using a better variety of words instead of repeating some of the same ones.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Main Character: General Lee
Today I'll be interviewing General Lee about his great battle that was unknown until now.
Question 1: So General what did this experience teach you as a general?

Answer: This experience had taught me to be more aware about my surroundings. There were a lot of things for my men to hid in and ambush the army that was attacking me. Instead I had them set up a perimeter that would eventually fail to work.